Staying home to slow the spread of COVID-19? We’ve got some ideas to help you pass the time, even if you’re stuck indoors. Time to gather up materials from around the house and do some science!
T-shirt dye designs
Make a fashion statement with marker pens and solvents
Floating images
A little bit of water can bring your drawings to life!
Vinegar eggs and salty osmosis
Make some eggs soft and rubbery, and then make them grow and shrink
Anzac science
Discover the chemistry behind this classic Aussie recipe
Blow bubbles!
Want to blow some giant bubbles? Here’s our recipe for bubble mix!
Potpourri preservation
Make some potpourri and learn why plants can smell so nice
Jelly lens for your smartphone
Turn your phone camera into a microscope with a blob of gelatine!
Bubble nets at home
Use bubbles to discover how humpback whales work together to catch fish
Fibonacci fruit
Discover mathematical patterns inside all kinds of plants
How tall are you, really?
You might not know it, but your height doesn’t always stay the same
Invisible glass
This amazing illusion can make rocks float!
Friction frog
With the power of straws and string, this frog can climb high
Levitating card
To keep this card up, you’ll have to blow down hard
Drop the needle!
What happens when you heat up a magnet?
Light stripes
Find out what makes laser light unique, and create a dazzling light show
If you’re after more science activities for kids, subscribe to Double Helix magazine!

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